In a very busy working environment, getting yourself motivated to work can be tough. And having a good mindset before going to work will set the tone for your mood throughout the day. Imagine if you can maintain that outlook all year-long? Here’s a routine that is sure to pump your spirits up at work!

Routine for work, routine, productivity, motivation, routine for motivation

  • Prayer – start your day by being grateful. This does not only humble you as a worker; but also gives you the spirit to work better and continuously grow.
  • 5-minute walk – Studies show that walking before sunrise actually helps you think more clearly throughout the day.
  • Make a clean and concise to-do list – Only include important things you want to accomplish at work on your list. You can also allocate time for each item so that you’d be able to gauge your productivity and time.
  • Have a power meal, coffee or chocolate – Having a hearty meal at the beginning of your day energizes your body. It prepares you to be more progressive in accomplishing your tasks.
  • Listen to mellow-soft rock music – Studies show that people who listen to mellow music tend to be more calm and assertive. This helps you deal with stress and work loads promptly without disrupting your mood.
  • Stand and stretch every 30 minutes – Getting intensely focused at work is good, but you should not lose sight of your health. Standing up or stretching your body once every thirty minutes helps you have a better blood flow.
  • Eat lunch – When you eat lunch, you should avoid thinking about work or having your mind away from the food you eat. You should do things one at a time, specially crucial meals like these.
  • Walk for another 5 minutes – A short walk after a meal if an effective way to digest your food and also to de-stress from the morning routine. By this time, you should be preparing yourself for the other half of the day.
  • Clean your desk – While you’re in the middle of your work you might forget small things like this. The simple act of cleaning desk helps you think more analytical.
  • Concentrate on your to-do list – It is best to reinforce yourself with the load you have from your to-do list. Make this a habit and you’re sure to hit all items in a timely manner.
  • Have a hearty dinner – Reinforce your body and affirm yourself by having a sumptuous dinner. Think of it as a reward for yourself after a long day at work.
  • Prayer – Ending a day with a prayer will actually push you to be more faithful towards work with a firm direction in mind.


Content and Program Manager| Young Blood| Thinks like Gen X, as old as Gen. Y, Feels like Gen Z|

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